The Stories that Built Us

Christina Hogan
CEO • Certified Professional Facilitator

We are 25 years old this year. And while it has felt harder than usual to celebrate, celebrate we shall. So much life, and joy and impact has built this company. I’ve personally become a life-partner, a mother, a leader… and a Swede. ??

And looking around me, it isn’t different. there are new babies, retirement, loss, grief and careers. So much of everything. So much life!

To mark the occasion of our 25 years, we have been working on sharing our stories with the world. We might only be sharing the highlights of how we help organizations, but if you scratch the surface, you will see our unwavering belief that every interaction matters. You can read about HR professionals championing people and including every voice. Or building belonging by embracing collaboration. Or teams coming together for better results for their companies and themselves.

What struck me about Lorensbergs when I joined this company nearly 11 years ago and remains true today is how the stories our consultants tell are never about them. They are always standing somewhere brightly in the background. Extensions of the organizations they support. This often makes us a sought-after partner for some of the most successful and cutting-edge companies in the world. Every interaction matters and we help them matter by putting the focus on the right party. You.

Enjoy our interaction library and drop us a line to share yours!

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